Friday, November 2, 2007

Happy Halloween!

It is a tradition in our family for Derek to pick a hard intricate picture to carve in his pumpkin and for me to choose one of the simplest designs possible - since I have no skill! Part of the tradition is for me to finish my pumpkin in 20 minutes and for Derek to spend an hour carving his, but then swearing that that is the last time he will do a time consuming pumpkin. We'll see if next year he keeps his promise. This year Ashley and I carved a puking pumpkin and Derek did a spider. Ella helped out by squishing the guts in her hands and then smearing it on everything within reach. You gotta love carving pumpkins!!!


Kimberly said...

Those are huge pumpkins! Great job guys! :-)

Laura said...

Great pumpkins! I think Eli would especially love your puking pumpkin . . . very "boy humor", and right up his alley! It looks like you had a great time!

Behunin Family said...

You did the barfing pumpkin! :) How fun. Your girls looked super cute- I love Halloween it's so much fun!