Sunday, January 11, 2009

And We're Back!!!

Alright, I haven't posted anything since the middle of last year - where did the last half of 2008 go? Yes, we are all still alive and well, but time just seems to be moving along a lot more quickly than before. Anyway, since last June a few things have happened in our lives. Here is a brief recap of the first half of July:
My sweet Grandma passed away a few weeks after my last post. We were all so sad to see her go, but felt so blessed to have had her in our lives. Our family had a nice service for her and it was good to see everyone in the extended family again. Although it was very sad and hard, there were still a few good laughs. After the services were over, my mom put a few of the flowers in her trunk and my brother Chris decided it was a perfect photo opportunity. We all had a good laugh at it!

PS - My grandma really liked bright colors.
Derek and I had also planned our first ever family camping trip for the beginning of July. My grandma ended up passing away at the same time so while I was in California for my grandma's funeral, Derek and the girls ventured out into the unknown on the first "family" camping trip.
Ashley was a little tired, but supposedly both girls did really well with sleeping in tents.

We managed to sucker Derek's poor side of the family into going on the trip too. Sorry!

Ashley loved playing in the sand at the beach on the camping trip but...

Ella wasn't too fond of it. Ella must have a little Derek in her because she couldn't stand the feel of the sand on her feet. Too dirty, too ucky!

Overall though, they made some good memories and came home with a whole new appreciation for the comforts of modern living.

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