Friday, June 27, 2008

My sweet Grandma Corkill

For those of you who don't know my grandma is terminally ill with cancer. The real reason for my trip down to California was to spend one last weekend or girls night out with the girls in the family, including my Grandma Corkill. We were all planning on going to see Wicked together, but when that Saturday arrived, Grandma felt too weak and sick to go. We were really sad she couldn't make it, but I did get to see her the following Monday. We went over to my garndma's house and spent the afternoon with her. My grandma is an amazing and remarkably strong woman. She was born into very difficult circumstances, but worked hard as a child to support her family and continued to work hard throughout the rest of her life to provide a wonderful life for all her children and grandchildren. I have learned so much by watching her and from the amazing stories I have heard about when she was younger.
My grandma took me on a trip to Europe when I graduated from high school and it will forever be one of my favorite memories of all time. We were roommates for two weeks and went everywhere together - we laughed, played, shopped, and did pretty much everything possible together. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life! I had so much fun with her! We have been so incredibly blessed to have this amazing woman in our lives and I am so grateful I got to see her one last time. I love you from the bottom of my heart Grandma and will be eternally grateful for all the things you selflessly did in my behalf. Thank you for being so wonderful and for loving me the way you do - I will love you forever!!!!


Chelsea said...

Great pictures. you have such a beautiful family. You guys are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Ashlee said...

I love the pictures. I'm so sorry to hear she passed, but it's so great you have all these pictures and wonderful memories to keep her alive. Have a safe trip!

King Family said...

I am so excited that I found your blog! I LOVE your haircut, you look gorgeous as ever! I just chopped my hair off yesterday. HOpe all is well with you and your adorable family. Sorry to hear about your grandma.